Sagittarius Horoscope 2011
Astrological trends this year, promise you a new life rises and the ability to overcome any obstacles. Begins the first phase of Jupiter, reinforced the gradual withdrawal of Pluto, which would cause optimism and will forget about restrictions and sad reflection. You feel the urgent need to protect their lives and establish personal life.
Job and business Sagittarius Horoscope 2011
You are boldly moving forward, this is the right time to show off their talents, to do action and focus on current affairs. Your career - proscenium your thoughts. On the other hand, you can not show how you find it hard to make more progress. You act as fast as you think, so it can be relative to the barrier. You should be more evenly distribute the work to avoid mental overload and do not return to the pessimistic while you are moving inexorably towards success. Under an hour you will have to stop to by the worker to assess progress and further traffic scheme. Do not focus on details that do not deserve your attention. Beginning in July 2011, your projects will generate good profit.
Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2011
The tonality of your personal life a little softened earlier this year. You ask yourself a lot of questions and answers are not always simple. Regardless of whether you are alone or in pairs, will develop facts that will enable you to cement existing relationships and build new relationships with one condition, that you are willing to change and compromise. Will increase your appeal, you'll easily convince, bewitch, your expression will become more soulful, and emotional action. Holidays will be saturated with love, the meeting will be favorable in light conditions at the end of the year. The prevailing atmosphere promotes harmony. Important for you not only look, you're looking for a truly sincere person, capable of enjoying the simple pleasures of life. You inherent tenderness, care, diplomacy, you do not change themselves.
Financial horoscope Sagittarius 2011Compared with last year financial issues do not seem so heavy. Lay down the circumstances that in the future will further simplify the situation, if you do not miss your chance. Always have a choice but to think about the consequences, to prevent them. "What's done is done, this expression could not be more accurately reflects your situation. You do not have the patience to work with financial instruments and to plan long-term costs. If last year you set out to solve the financial issues, but this year there will be temptations to take a break, enjoy the first results of new progress. Are often situations where you do not understand. The reason for this is the location of the planets in relation to your sign.
Relationships: Sagittarius Horoscope 2011
You take to heart all that relates to your hobbies and family relationships. Pluto is still working on you, forcing some to make sacrifices to protect the interests of some people. The direction of your reality (Saturn) has a mirror and is currently not fully correspond to the type that you represent your surroundings. You should make a reassessment of your property before you defend them in all possible ways, or just think, what their true weakness.
Health and vitality: Sagittarius Horoscope 2011
This year will require you to much effort. Some actions simply can not be avoided. It will take a maximum of energy to meet its obligations. Saturn's support will allow you to build your health, but also a tendency towards inertia associated with your true nature. At times, you have to deal with stress, but it does not affect the general health. The last three months, there has been growth in mental energy, which is an amazing way to increase your creativity and send you to new creative ideas. The general condition of the body to mobilize forces for a more serious purposes.
Horoscopes 2011